Download the app today and Get £30 off your next booking (T&C's apply)

Pay over time, interest free.

It's quick

It's quick

Create an account in minutes, this won’t impact your credit score.

Save money

Save money

Book early, save money.

Vuelo helps you do it all.

Buyers protection

Buyers protection

We’ve got your back when you pay with Vuelo.

By proceeding, I accept the terms for the Vuelo Service and confirm that I have read Vuelo’s Privacy Notice.

Nice to meet you!

Enter your email address to get started.

Email address is required in valid format.

Welcome back!

Head over to the app to log in to your account. Don’t have the app? No problem, just scan the QR code.

Head to the Vuelo app!

Head over to the app to log in to your account.

Head to the Vuelo app!

Add your details

Provide your correct billing address and full name to get the best payment options. Your personal details should match your ID.

First name is required

Last name is required

Date of birth required. Minimum age is 18.

UK mobile number is required.

Address is required

Enter address manually

Make sure you enter the address that matches up with the one registered to your bank account.

House number is required

Building name is required

Street is required

City is required

County is required

Postcode is required

More about you

This helps us understand a little bit more about you and what we can offer.

Yearly income is required

Marital status is required

Number of dependants is required

Employment status is required

Residential status is required

This won’t impact your credit score.

Just a moment

We’re just checking your credit profile.

Don’t worry this won’t impact your credit score as we are just performing a soft check.

Nice one, you're eligible for credit

You can now spread the cost of your trip

Scan the QR code in order to proceed via the app.

You can now spread the cost of your trip

In order to proceed you will need to continue via the app.

We're sorry

Unfortunately your application has been declined. This maybe related to your credit profile

This was a soft check so there is no impact to your credit profile.

Let's try another way

We couldn't match your address with our credit reference agencies. Please make sure you enter the address registered to your bank account.


We appear to have an issue. You will need to input your details again.